WJEC introduces Online Media and Global Communication


WJEC (The World Journalism Education Council) introduces Online Media and Global Communication and its latest Call for Papers.

A new English language journal, Online Media and Global Communication (OMGC),  is soliciting manuscript submissions for a themed issue on Misinformation and global communication.


Online Media and Global Communication is a free open access journal published quarterly by De Gruyter and sponsored by Shanghai International Studies University, China, the host of the 2023WJEC.


Edited by Louisa Ha, Professor of Research Excellence at Bowling Green State University, 


OMGC publishes high quality, innovative and original research on global communication especially in the use of global online media platforms, and also addresses contemporary concerns about the effects and operations of global digital media platforms on international relations, international public opinion, fake news and propaganda dissemination, diaspora communication, consumer behavior as well as the balance of voices in the world.


Comparative research across countries is particularly welcome. Empirical research is preferred over conceptual papers. Submit papers to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/omgc, read the inaugural issue https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/omgc/html?lang=en. Twitter: @OMGCJOURNAL